How to remove proxy settings in your browser

How to disable proxy on Windows 10? - Microsoft Community Dec 14, 2017 How to disable automatic proxy caching in Internet Explorer Apr 17, 2018

How to use proxy with Internet Explorer. Use Proxy with Internet Explorer - this article describes how to configure Internet Explorer to use a proxy server when making its connections. When Internet Explorer is using a proxy, all of the requests made by your browser will be sent to a proxy server instead who will fetch the requested resources on behalf of you and then forward it back to you.

Proxy settings are used to connect to the Internet when you work on a network. The proxy clients share a distributed Internet connection from a single server. Proxy servers store a local copy of previously retrieved documents such that the remote server need not be contacted by proxy clients to retrieve the same document again. Batch File to disable internet options proxy server

Lenovo System Update unable to connect to proxy server using Internet explorer- ThinkPad

Tweak Library – Disable Internet access on proxy settings.