Cooperating with the good guys: Is NSA snooping really

May 04, 2018 · WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency vacuumed up more than 534 million records of phone calls and text messages from American telecommunications providers like AT&T and Verizon last year Jul 01, 2014 · How big data may protect us from NSA spying by Matt Asay in Big Data on July 1, 2014, 11:27 AM PST As the NSA has found, the more data we collect, the harder it can be to filter out noise to find The French newspaper Le Monde disclosed new PRISM slides (See Page 4, 7 and 8) coming from the "PRISM/US-984XN Overview" presentation on October 21, 2013. The British newspaper The Guardian disclosed new PRISM slides (see pages 3 and 6) in November 2013 which on the one hand compares PRISM with the Upstream program, and on the other hand deals with collaboration between the NSA's Threat

Aug 26, 2013 · This past March, James Clapper, the director of the Office of National Intelligence, the top intelligence official in the country, testified that the NSA does “not wittingly” collect data on

PRAISE FOR "CONFESSIONS OF AN (EX) NSA SPY: WHY AMERICA AND ITS ALLIES ARE LOSING THE WAR ON TERROR" "The most engrossing and frightening book I've ever read. A summary of the threats and scams facing America today. Easy read . . . so well written." Carolyn Cox, President, Tucson Conservative Forum "Webb has hit this one out of the park! A must The NSA collects this location and travel habit data to do “target development” — to find unknown associates of targets it already knows about. To accomplish this, the NSA compiles information on a Jan 19, 2017 · As for what the NSA spies on in the US, it’s mostly suspected terrorists, gang members involved in big drug deals or arms deals, child pornography, hacking that threatens national security, and not much else.

Jul 07, 2014 · If you are located outside of the U.S., Canada, the U.K. or one of the so-called Five Eyes countries partnering with the NSA in its surveillance efforts, then visiting the TOR website triggers an

NSA Surveillance Centers Unearthed - Does NSA Spy On Us